The analysis of collaboration patterns both between institutions and among countries.
Scientific collaborations play an increasingly important role in driving world-leading research. Nature...
Elementary school: The folded leaflet shows the educational pathways of pupils between kindergarten and secondary school level II between 2001 and 2014. A distinction is drawn between different...
One of the biggest challenges in comparing the best modern-day players to those of previous eras is the changes in the the way the game is played. Season length, roster size, and schedule strength...
Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) was used to measure brain activity in seven people while they listened to more than 2 hours of stories from The Moth Radio Hour. This data was used...
Over the course of the last thirty years, more than 7 million Colombians have left their homes and towns, looking for safety away from the conflict between the guerrillas, the Colombian armed...
Big data gets all the glory, so I set out to explore data of a much smaller and more personal nature. Little Data is an ongoing series of data visualizations based on hand-collected personal data...
“What’s Really Happening” is an informational graphic poster describing a typical female college student lifestyle. The intent is to show the reasons and meanings behind different behavioral...
The refugee crisis was all over the news in the last year. This short video explores what impels people to leave their homes, which role the situation in Syria plays for those events and how that...
The election forecast is FiveThirtyEight's signature interactive project. The state of the 2016 general election, both nationally and in ever state, is captured in an extensive series of...
Visualeyed is an online visual journalism magazine, offering a new perspective in the web publishing industry. This project was born with the aim to promote and inspire visual forms of...
Rock 'n Poll is polls explained with interactive graphics.
Politicians as well as journalists take political polls very seriously. Losses and gains of a few percentage points are overly analysed...
Sonnet Signatures visualizes each of Shakespeare's 154 sonnets by charting the letters used within each one. The signatures are not meant to assign meaning but to inspire others to think about...
Holobiont Urbanism is a research endeavor that sets out to study, map, and visualize the microbiome of New York City, in order to reimagine the city as more than a vast metropolis, but rather as a...
A century ago The Netherlands counted 6.5 million inhabitants. On March 21st of this year that number officially reached a total of no less than 17 million. That same day we published a combination...
Our collaboration tool enables audiences at live events to brainstorm, share ideas and respond to presentations in real time. Stimulating collaborative thought, Talkviz engages audiences and...
It is an infographic about the relationship between the lack of education and the no use of contraceptives of teenagers (15-19 years) in Mexico during 2014
With all of their songs being available now on streaming services I thought I would analyze some data about one of the greatest bands of all time: The Beatles. This visualization looks at their...
The design work is based on my students' work of Data Visualization Design. using daily records of emotional impression, my expectations on homework, and feedback as data to make a re-information...
This is a visualization of the Republican primary elections in 2016. In this elections, each state has its own system of dividing delegates over candidates. This visualization allows to experiment...
Welcome to the Sage Project, a new platform where design and technology come together to create the food labels we’ve always wanted — smart, simple, and personalized.
This map uses open source data, curated by the Carter Center and integrated and analyzed in Palantir, to show how the conflict in Syria has evolved over time.
Commissioned by Future Earth Media Lab and Global Carbon Project to produce an infographic for presentation purposes as well as for highlighting the budget report on social media outlets.
The idea...
When numbers get into the billions or trillions, they start to lose context.
The U.S. national debt is one of those numbers. It currently sits at $19.5 trillion, which is actually such a large...
Mass killings in the United States are most often carried out with guns, usually handguns, most of them obtained legally.
There is no universally accepted definition of a mass shooting, and...