Hillary Clinton surpassed Donald Trump by more than 2 million votes, but lost the electoral college 306 to 232. In raw votes, it was the largest popular-vote lead in history for a candidate who...
Apart from waypoints and natural jet streams, there are many man-made constraints such as political, legal and financial restrictions on airspace. Countries use airspace to collect fees or leverage...
Graphicacy helps Vote Run Lead reveal the vast underrepresentation of women in state legislatures. This exploratory visualization tool allows the user to see gaps in representation for every state,...
After one year of collecting data about my and my boyfriend's drinking habits, this is the result: five pictures that aim to answer some questions. As always, a playful exercise to experiment with...
R is a language and environment for statistical computing and graphics. R provides a wide variety of statistical (linear and nonlinear modelling, classical statistical tests, time-series analysis,...
Rohingya Muslims have been fleeing apartheid-like conditions in northwestern Myanmar for decades. A recent military operation drew allegations of ethnic cleansing and crimes against humanity and...
The Global Burden of Disease (GBD) study offers a comprehensive overview of pressing societal issues of mortality and disability on a global scale, encompassing 204 different countries. It...
When it comes to sand mining, the Singapore government is often closed to scrutiny. As a result, it is often cast as a villain, guzzling sand from its neighbours while it grows bigger through...
Serena Williams was toppled from the number one spot following the US Open, just as she matched Steffi Graf’s all-time record of 186 consecutive weeks atop the WTA rankings. Shown below is every...
Nowadays, most Europeans take clean drinking water for granted. Yet, in the pan-European region alone, about 19 million people still do not have access to improved water sources and 67 million...
An interactive visualisation of weather data, on a multitouch display whith haptic control elements. In this project a visualisation was created that emphasises on the cyclic nature of weather...
The R, Python and D3.js graph galleries are three websites that display more than a thousand chart examples with their reproducible code, using the three main programming languages currently used...
This is a visualization and auralization of real-time global tweets mentioning 'Music'. People around the world love music, love to listen to music, and love to discuss music. What does it sound...
Drawing on the same data that powers Google Maps and Google Earth, Project Sunroof uses high-resolution aerial mapping to calculate every roof’s solar energy potential -- and to determine how much...
The visualization was created using Tableau software, Mapbox, and some of the design elements were created with Figma. The data preparation was done using Tableau Prep. This visualization was...
Metal Underground imagines the sub-genres of heavy metal and related rock as nodes on a transit map with their relationships to each other traced out by subway, tram, and light rail routes. Route...
This book is based on the Financial Times Visual Vocabulary and organises 74 charts into 9 categories, providing a practical handbook for beginners in data visualisation. The book's title, "Say...
The Future Frontier is mapping and tracking complex issues and predictions that may shape the society & citizen, environment, technology, and government of future to offer a new way for...
The Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) produces around 70% of all cobalt consumed in the world. Demand for cobalt is set to increase substantially in the next years due to the energy transition...
In collaboration with OECD, we created an interactive data platform to help countries assess their state of digital development and formulate policy strategies in response. The toolkit supports the...
Hudson Yards in NYC has arrived to many mixed reviews, but how it's new art venue The Shed performs remains to be seen. Is it filling a void, or entering a glut? Here's a snapshot of it in context...
In 2017, over two million traffic stops occurred in Illinois. Each time an Illinois resident was pulled over, the enforcement officer was required to record the details of the traffic stop,...
The Webapplication berlin re:tweets shows on basis of likes and retweets, which politicians of the German Bundestag received the most reactions on their tweets. Different visualizations of likes...
Visualizing over 2.5 million 311 noise complaints in NYC from January 2010 and March 2018. Visualizations use custom vector layers from Mapbox GL and are visualized in Tableau Desktop.