A useful blog collecting the sharpest viz work around. A perfect antidote to the horrors of WTF viz!
A useful blog collecting the sharpest viz work around. A perfect antidote to the horrors of WTF viz!
A wealth of census data given an interactive boost in this neat map of London. Particularly recommend exploring the wealth divide between east and west, expressed all too clearly when looking at unemployment rates. Nice work from James Trimble at UK Data Explorer.
An excellent, insightful and accessible interactive site investigating multiple sclerosis. Excellent work from the team at Digesting Science.
Mapping the news in real time across the USA. Nice work from link shortening specialists Bitly, their interactive map also charts which news outlets are winning the readership race in each state.
Google Ngram for rap lyrics. A brilliant tool from the team at Rap Genius. Money vs Power. Diamonds vs Gold. Visualise the most pertinent questions in rap music using twenty years of lyrics.
A chronological look at names for guys and gals in the USA. What effect did the Little Mermaid have on the balance? Excellent work from Nathan Yau at Flowing Data.
An innovative and seriously good looking way to map a city by age. Great work from Susanna Ånäs.
The NY Times map the world’s most famous directors and their favourite actors.