'The Beginning and the End' compares the completely abstract notions of the creation of the world, written in Genesis, and the apocalypse, written in Revelation. Each piece of visual data...
Heights of 13million buildings in England. Data is from LiDAR data & building outlines open data.
The visualization uses vector map tiles (from Open Street Map basemaps), MapboxGL, Angular JS,...
40 Governmental organs (‘agencies’) had the task to implement the policy set by the Dutch Government in 2013. These ‘agencies’ are of great importance, but little is known about their finances and...
Snakes reveal historical trend and highlight present situation. Snake heads (biggest bubbles) show current number while the tails show past. It balances the importance of present and history.
This interactive data visualization shows all of the 5100 Olympic gold medal winners since the 1st Olympic Games of 1896 (and the current Olympic Records). They are ordered by sport, edition,...
Because we all enjoy a little light masochism now and then, we've put together a full rent map of the capital, showing the average monthly cost for a one-bedroom within a kilometer of each Tube...
A visualization of the ethnicities of the directors and actors of the 1000 highest rated movies on IMDB (February 2016). The idea originated from the debate of #OscarsSoWhite on social media. Thus,...
Literary elites love to rep Shakespeare’s vocabulary: across his entire corpus, he uses 28,829 words, suggesting he knew over 100,000 words and arguably had the largest vocabulary, ever. I decided...
This is a personal map of New York City showing all of our movements during one year. We tracked our location with OpenPaths which is represented in blue and red. The yellow dots are locations...
Over the past 40 years, we have changed from a world in which underweight prevalence was more than double that of obesity, to one in which more people are obese than underweight
According to a recent report from the Freedom House, 61% of Internet users live in countries where government criticism is restricted. Though widespread globally, censorship is not evenly...
A modern graphic interpretation of the Paris mass transit system. It is original art inspired by the paths of the Paris metro and the RER railroad. LinePosters is the collaboration of a graphic...
In the aftermath of the Chernobyl and Fukushima nuclear disasters, millions were displaced, and once bustling communities became husks of their past selves. While the emptiness of these places is...
This work was created in 2013 as an information design masters thesis at the Wuerzburg-Schweinfurt University of Applied Sciences, Germany. The question was, can design map conflicts, war and...
The National Park Service created models of sound level and night sky conditions for the coterminous U. S. to assess resource conditions in national parks and adjacent landscapes. These models...
As part of the celebration around the World Statistics Day 2015, and following the launch of the 2015 Millennium Development Goals Report, the United Nations Statistics Division announced the...
The Oberhaeuser calendar 2013 is a printed wall calendar 100x70cm big. Each color-ring represents one month of the year. Federal holidays (United States) are highlighted with an icon and white...
When that first August kick happens, he carried our hopes.
When we needed to endure, he made sure we presisted.
When we thought all was lost, we looked to him.
He always fought for us.
The visualization shows how many fatal car accidents occur in each province and district of Piemonte region. One of the most unexpected thing is that, statistically speaking, women are better...
The Haute Route is the pinnacle of amateur stage riding. Set on closed roads over extremely challenging mountainous routes, it also boasts pro-level timing and support.
A map of Rome dedicated to horror movies shot during the years in the city. From "Profondo Rosso" by Dario Argento, to "Tomb Raider" played by Angelina Jolie.
Galileo's Impact On Modern Science
According to Stephen Hawking, Galileo probably bears more of the responsibility for the birth of modern science than anybody else, and Albert Einstein called...