Rohingya Muslims have been fleeing apartheid-like conditions in northwestern Myanmar for decades. A recent military operation drew allegations of ethnic cleansing and crimes against humanity and...
In collaboration with OECD, we created an interactive data platform to help countries assess their state of digital development and formulate policy strategies in response. The toolkit supports the...
How much debt has been racked up by governments? This stunning infographic shows each country's share of world debt, along with their debt-to-GDP ratio.
Following being moved by the statement of Michael Dowden ( see #IAmMichaelDowden on twitter) who conducted himself with courage and professionalism in an impossible situation I created the attached...
The size of protesting crowds is a contentious issue in Hong Kong. In many large protests, the headcounts estimated by police and protest organisers have been dramatically different.
Since dissolution of the Soviet Union, Russia has had six presidential elections with a total of 29 candidates, including two women. Examine Boris Yeltsin’s unexpected resignation and steady rise... provides spacial and temporal interactive visualization of migration data collected by the UN Refugee Agency UNHCR. It addresses the following questions: How have global...
The Trump administration has made repeated attacks on climate science, hitting policymakers, scientists, and the general public alike with a united rhetoric that claims climate change is nothing...
This poster provides information on the impact plastic bags within our ocean and aquatic life. my. The plastic bag is meant to dump out the information seen in this poster, mimicking the plastic...
Access to good-quality affordable housing is a fundamental need and key to achieving a number of social policy objectives, including reducing poverty and enhancing equality of opportunity, social...
Meltwater from Greenland’s ice sheet contributes about 0.8 millimeters a year to global sea level rise. That number might sound insignificant but it is accelerating, and part of a trend that could...
After five editions of consistently high-quality publications, the American Cancer Society and Vital Strategies sought to create a more readable and engaging experience for users perusing the...
This work is made for our client, LinkedIn Marketing Solutions Team. As the client requested, and to suit our target audiences' reading habits, it is a mobile-only version, so please watch it on a...
ADL H.E.A.T. Map is the first-of-its-kind interactive and customizable map detailing extremist and anti-Semitic incidents around the nation. ADL experts in its Center on Extremism developed...
Attitudes towards religions are commonly reported on, but rarely in a way that allows relative comparisons. As such, we conducted research among the US adult (18+) population (N=1150), asking them...
Aragon covering an area of 47720 km2 (18420 square miles), the population of Aragon was 1.308.728(INE 2018) but the population of the city of Zaragoza(capital city) was 666.880(INE 2018) and only...
"What's Your Vote Worth?" presents America's proven capacity to improve equal access for its voters, while also encouraging readers to critically examine aspects of the American voting system where...
The problem of racial discrimination has been a social problem in different countries. The unfair treatment of African and Caribbean Americans in the United States is one of the topics that has...
As U.S. labor markets tighten, policymakers focus more on bringing jobs to where the unemployed live, and the pools of labor that exist in areas left behind during the recovery.
A tilegram map of the world showing which countries are the biggest spenders on public health, compared to Gross National Income. Each country is also measured on health indicators.
Global reported number of natural disasters, including climatological, geophysical, hydrological, and meteorological events. The global land and ocean surface temperature anomaly refers to the...
There are many ways to think about the future - but some are more productive than others. Horoscopes, prophecies and ancient dream interpretations, for instance, are not exactly useful: whereas...
"War Filings" shows the density of explosions on the Syrian territory from 2015 to 2017. The data, gathered in the Global Terrorism Database, are represented through the metaphor of ferromagnetic...