The size of protesting crowds is a contentious issue in Hong Kong. In many large protests, the headcounts estimated by police and protest organisers have been dramatically different.
Some of the largest companies in America are also those leading the charge toward a more sustainable future, according to a joint report by Calvert Research, WWF, CDP, and Ceres.
Internet of Elephants is a social enterprise based in Kenya and the United States, consisting of technologists, conservationists, educators, game designers and strategists, who are working together...
In collaboration with OECD, we created an interactive data platform to help countries assess their state of digital development and formulate policy strategies in response. The toolkit supports the...
This data visualisation sets out to show readers the faces of the murderers behind the trigger of each mass shooting in the United States since 1966. We defined mass shootings as events in which...
If Venezuela hadn’t introduced a new Bolivar note and removed five zeros from the currency a stack of notes to pay the minimum wage would have stood almost 20 metres high. We use visual comparisons...
After five editions of consistently high-quality publications, the American Cancer Society and Vital Strategies sought to create a more readable and engaging experience for users perusing the...
With this real-time data visualization project I try to address one of the hottest topics in today's Italian politics: is it true that Matteo Salvini (deputy PM and Minister of Internal Affairs)...
The right to health is inherent in the nature of all human beings by the simple fact of being, its foundation, like that of other human rights, is found in human dignity, which confers on all...
The Bureau of Labor Statistics’ monthly jobs report is an important measure of our economy’s health. But much of the news coverage overestimates the importance of early numbers that are subject to...
North Korea is never far from the media spotlight, as the rogue state’s nuclear weapons programme gathers momentum and its war of words with the United States threatens to spiral out of...
The Social Credit System is a national reputation system in development by the Chinese Government, which will give to each Chinese citizen a score based on their identity online and their behaviour...
The infographic shows which parties (represented by the vertical rectangles) the two candidates who competed in the second round of the election in Brazil passed by. The distribution of these...
Living in Texas, I had spent hours watching news coverage as Harvey made landfall and slowly crept its way inland towards my city. Fortunately Austin was spared, but as the bayous in Houston...
The devastating Wenchuan Earthquake shocked the world on May 12, 2008. Over 69,000 people lost their lives in the quake, and it has become the most painful memory for many since then. Near the 10th...
In a “Tempestry,” each color represents a temperature, and each line, the daily high temperature in a specific location. Put together three-hundred-and sixty-five of these lines, and you get a...
This visual and interactive report shows how the combination of several different types of data can be leveraged to provide a more systematic understanding of the efforts made to save lives in the...
Meltwater from Greenland’s ice sheet contributes about 0.8 millimeters a year to global sea level rise. That number might sound insignificant but it is accelerating, and part of a trend that could...
These dashboards present data from the World Development Indicators (WDI) that help to monitor the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), but they are not always the official indicators for SDG...
The infographic is used to showcase the current food situation in Nigeria following the Nigerian government's ban on availability of foreign currency for food importation.
Harvard Growth Lab’s Country Complexity Profiles is a first-of-its-kind tool that revolutionizes how to think about economic strategy, policy, and investment opportunities for over 130 countries....
When senator 'X' votes a 'Yea' or 'Nay' what are the chances that senator 'Y' would do the same? This tool allows you to find out the similarity in voting patterns of senators of the 115th Congress.
With the continuous development of the high-speed railway in China, it is divided into eight vertical and eight horizontal lines. We choose one of the horizontal "shanghai-kunming railway" and...
Reuters deployed its own teams to Hong Kong's July 1 march route to gather data on the number of protesters passing through. The project provided a new perspective on crowd size in the city.
As Democrats push to win back state legislatures in November, a Reuters analysis of election data found the party faces tough odds in the places most crucial to its future.
What happens to the European dream when it meets the migrant's dream? Is this the Europe we dreamt of?
The history of the 500km of European border walls walks together with the history of...
Israel is the largest cumulative recipient of U.S. foreign assistance since World War II. To date, the United States has provided Israel $134.7 billion (current, or noninflation-adjusted, dollars)...