Reading a “Choose Your Own Adventure” book can feel like being lost in a maze and running through twists and turns only to find dead ends, switchbacks, and disappointment. In the books—for those...
We plotted every country’s national record in the 100-metre dash. Hit “start the race” to find out where each country’s fastest sprinter is when Usain Bolt — the fastest man ever — reaches the...
Please note that this preview image is cropped from a much larger work. Please click the link below to see it in full.
This visualization explores cocktail drinking habits during a cruise...
The short story behind how Snapchat, this year’s most anticipated tech IPO, started in 2011, less than 6 years ago. In that short time, Snapchat went from $0 to $25 Billion in valuation. Compare...
New York’s celebrated and diverse restaurant culture at “the center of the universe” inspired FOODIVERSE, a visualization of food quality and customer experience in all Manhattan restaurants.
With the interactive map, users can follow the Berlin Marathon in time lapse for the first time, and compare the runners. The application shows how fast all 35,827 runners that finished the 2016...
Visualization of the proportion of French people who know how to play a musical instrument (19%). Infographic from "The French" collection by Vite Vu Bien Vu
"Dragon dance" is an introduction to the traditional Chinese cultural activity of dragon dance." The dragon is a totem worshipped by the Chinese people for generations. In ancient times, the...
Since 2014 The Visual Agency has worked with Brembo, a global leader in the design, development and production of braking systems, to help them tell the story of their involvement in the F1,...
Every year, many Americans go to great lengths to get into the Christmas spirit. They carry trees into their homes, climb up onto various objects to hang strings of lights, and spend hours...
I play a lot of Scrabble. My father introduced me to the game when I was 12 and we've played frequently ever since (25 years as of this writing). When my interest in data art and visualization was...
This visualization shows 335 surfing spots on the Italian coastline, flattened, divided by regions and seas that flow through them. Of the 30 best voted spots on, we analyzed the...
Craft beer is so hot right now. You might think our biggest city, New York City, is the best, but not quite. After analyzing over 1,600 breweries, New York comes in 16th out of the 800+ biggest...
This interactive data explorer is built by acclaimed designer Moritz Stefaner and his team at Truth & Beauty, using Google Trends data. It’s also the second in the Google News Lab’s series of...
The visualization shows the winners’ performances in the “Giro d’Italia” (Tour of Italy) from 1909 ti 2016. Year by year, are enlighted the stages won and first places in the general rank (pink...
The National Football League (NFL) and the Fashion Institute of Technology (FIT) partnered more than eight months ago to challenge students minoring in Creative Technology to reimagine all of the...
This project aims to collect abstract data hierarchal structuring, filtering data, ordering and presenting the data in static media, as well as considering the appropriateness of visual form in...
Scoutpanel is a data-driven tool to easily access all football player and team performances as well as match reports worldwide.
The intuitive and touch-optimised interface helps football scouts to...
This project is an exploration of how much swimming has improved since the beginning of the 20th Century. It includes three different visualizations: the first one focuses in the average speeds of...
Subreddits that had "active" users in common between 2015-2016 are linked by a directed edge whose weight is proportional to the fraction of users from one subreddit that were also active in the...
This visualization tracks the entire history of every team in the NFL. The bar charts above the line show winning seasons and below show losing seasons; gold bars indicate Super Bowl wins. The...
What is the most-watched NBA moment of all time? We identified over hundreds of thousands of NBA videos on YouTube and categorized each by game and play. Here are the top 100 videos from several...