Every dot here is a package. Position of a package is determined by force based graph layout algorithm and usually clusters together packages that depend on each other.
Some packages are...
The Washington Post weighted the style of facial hair, or lack thereof, of all active ballplayers on a scale of 0 to 8 — zero being clean shaven, eight being the grizzliest — then calculated...
Film production from 2005 to 2011: The first thirty ranked countries were considered, also highlighting 100% national film production.The flows were represented as if they were sedimentations...
32 teams qualified for the soccer World Cup finals held in Brazil in June and July 2014. They started in groups of four with the top two sides progressing to the knockout stages. Here, they are...
The artwork shows the 100 most valuable brands from 2010 to 2015.The size of the circles represents the value of the brand while the lines show the fluctuation in ranking year after year. Some...
Hundreds of climbers are gathering in Nepal to begin a months-long odyssey up the world’s highest mountain in hopes of spending a few extraordinary moments on its peak. Scroll along the icy...
A European Union study found “breathtaking” levels of corruption across the 28-country bloc, costing the region at least 120bn euros ($162bn) a year. The study included a survey of public...
Visualising the National Football Soccer League of Costa Rica for the Summer Tournament 2015. The 12 First Division clubs had varied objectives: win the title, make decent progress or simply avoid...
This animation distills hundreds of years of culture into just five minutes. A team of historians and scientists wanted to map cultural mobility, so they tracked the births and deaths of notable...
This data visualisation shows programmes that were broadcast on the BBC in 2013 and 2014, and it shows the people who helped to make those programmes who worked in off-screen roles.
In December 2015, Paris hosts the COP21, the global climate change summit, where it is imperative for the world nations to come to an agreement regarding their commitment to reducing...
30,000 plus riders will tackle the third edition of the 100 mile closed road course through the capital and Surrey, taking in such famous sights as Big Ben, the River Thames and Richmond Park...
This is the tenth and final Feltron Annual Report. The world of personal data has changed considerably since the project began in 2005 and this edition attempts to capture its current state. While...
Looking back, we know quite a bit about who has been put to death in the United States. We know that the last person to be executed was Jerry William Correll, who died five days ago by lethal...
NASA's New Horizons flyby of Pluto caps more than 50 years of exploring our nearest celestial neighbors. Here's a chance to look back at the moons, planets, asteroids and comets photographed by...
Lyra is an interactive environment that enables custom visualization design without writing any code. Graphical “marks” can be bound to data fields using property drop zones; dynamically...
Our World In Data covers a wide range of topics and visualizes the empirical evidence of how living standards changed over the last decades, centuries, and millennia.
Loopie uses people's GPS data to create beautiful and personalised printed artwork. Each print is an accurate but artistic visualisation of their ride or run and unique to them.
Two graphic...
This project is a recreation of the original Statistical Atlas of the United States with current data. Using similar styling, the data portrayed is publicly available and comes from government...
MHA@GW, the online master of health administration offered through the Milken Institute School of Public Health at the George Washington University, created this data visualization to compare...
“I am sorry to say that with the importation of what will be tens of thousands of drones, by both U.S. military and by commercial interests, into U.S. airspace, with a specific mandate to engage in...