Apart from waypoints and natural jet streams, there are many man-made constraints such as political, legal and financial restrictions on airspace. Countries use airspace to collect fees or leverage...
An interactive visualisation of weather data, on a multitouch display whith haptic control elements. In this project a visualisation was created that emphasises on the cyclic nature of weather...
The R, Python and D3.js graph galleries are three websites that display more than a thousand chart examples with their reproducible code, using the three main programming languages currently used...
In collaboration with OECD, we created an interactive data platform to help countries assess their state of digital development and formulate policy strategies in response. The toolkit supports the...
Hudson Yards in NYC has arrived to many mixed reviews, but how it's new art venue The Shed performs remains to be seen. Is it filling a void, or entering a glut? Here's a snapshot of it in context...
In 2017, over two million traffic stops occurred in Illinois. Each time an Illinois resident was pulled over, the enforcement officer was required to record the details of the traffic stop,...
The Webapplication berlin re:tweets shows on basis of likes and retweets, which politicians of the German Bundestag received the most reactions on their tweets. Different visualizations of likes...
Kiron Open Higher Education is a non-profit organization supporting access to higher education for refugees and asylum seekers. I am visualizing the situation and profile of refugees in Germany who...
I was interested in visually exploring the communication between people and machines. I went about this by recording conversations between myself and Siri and then used the sound data from these...
During the February 2019 skirmish between India and Pakistan, an Indian Mig-21 flown was shot down in a dogfight with Pakistani Air Force. This led to media scrutiny as to why the Indian Air Force...
The 114 winners of the Literature Nobel Prize since 1901, in chronological order by year of birth. Each winner is featured with: year of birth and death, year of first and last publication, year in...
With a new format on the horizon, a look back at past Oscars ceremonies shows us the awards show is no stranger to change — it just hasn’t happened in a while.
The entrant has supplied an...
Looking at the bunches of lab tests I had gathered since 2003, I decided to visualize my TSH lab results and other thyroid hormones. I was diagnosed with Hyperthyroidism and Graves Disease in 2003,...
A new analysis conducted on startups failure data set available on www.failory.com* from 100 startups within a 23 years, shows only 3 out of 100 startups have remained active by the year 2017;...
Sea-level rise poses a global threat to coastal species around the world, as critical habitat is steadily consumed and fragmented by rising waters. This threat is particularly stark in the case of...
I analyzed the "um's" I used during a talk I gave at the 2018 Tableau conference, noting the average number of um's per minute, their increase over time, and the relationship between the um's and...
This graphic tells a small story about bicycle ridership in Seattle. It does so with a line chart, a sunburst, and a novel chart type: table cartograms (TGRAM) in a treemap. The TGRAM encodes...
The size of protesting crowds is a contentious issue in Hong Kong. In many large protests, the headcounts estimated by police and protest organisers have been dramatically different.
The Strait of Hormuz is the highway for nearly a fifth of the world’s oil. But it’s located in the volatile region of the Middle East. Subsequently tankers using the route have been attacked, most...
Getting a bird’s eye view of them and following the individual paths as they weave through what might resemble spaghetti, some sort of flower or a bow-tie. It’s a beauty that cannot be...
An ardent Formula 1 fan often gets in a debate of Who the Greatest Of All Time aka GOAT is. Is it Senna? Schumacher? Diverse factors, from car technology to driver skill, make it an entertaining...
For our wedding, we created a network graph of the connections between all of our guests and designed individualized data-driven badges that highlighted each guests’ unique relationship to us, the...
Code of Red is an interactive visualization that examines the impact of war on artistic creation over the last century. Specifically, it enables the audience to explore the ways in which wartime...
A series of graphics produced to compliment the main SR15 report on the impacts of Global Warming of 1.5°C. The FAQ graphics are intended to back up the graphics in the report and make the subject...
Sexual assault in America has existed for centuries, yet not at any one time has the concentration of them publicly surfaced as much as in the last quarter of 2017. Spawning #MeToo, #TimesUp and...
“Eyes” is an interactive biometric data art that transforms human iris data into musical sound and 3D animated images. The idea is to allow the audience to explore their own identities through...
This graphic was one piece of an investigative project by Newsy, Reveal and ProPublica that uncovered how dozens of police agencies in America are making rape cases look as if they are solved...
The result of a three-month investigation, 3,121 desperate journeys breaks down the real cost of the Trump administration's zero tolerance policy. The piece aims to tell the story of just one week...