A collection of animated gifs replaying various sport matches and events.
The "timeline triangles" visualization works with several sport disciplines when teams or individuals win by scoring...
Illegal gold mining activity has risen sharply over the last five years in Brazil’s indigenous Yanomami reservation in the heart of the Amazonian rainforest, a Reuters review of exclusive data...
How do you visualise musical tastes across the world? That was the challenge we faced working on an article analysing five years of music streamed on Spotify.
This project looks at the decline...
In 2020, the western monarch butterfly population catastrophically declined to its lowest numbers since counts began – from 1.2 million in 1997 down to fewer than 2,000 butterflies. I created this...
This interactive article presents a so-called “explorable explainer” of the k-means clustering algorithm. It attempts to push the envelope of how visual explanations can be designed on an...
Hello. I am a book.
But I’m also a portal to the universe.
I have 112 pages, measuring 20cm high and wide. I weigh 450g. And I have the power to show you the wonders of the world.
This visual explanation demonstrates how COVID-19 tracing apps can break infection chains and preserve users' privacy. We felt that the public discourse surrounding digital contact tracing lacked a...
The pro-democracy protests in Hong Kong during 2019 represent a milestone in the city's history and a breaking point between the situation prior to the anti-Beijing movements and what would happen...
Metroverse is an urban economy navigator built at the Growth Lab at Harvard University. It is based on over a decade of research on how economies grow and diversify and offers a detailed look into...
This all started with a particularly sexy fairy. Our book club was reading The Wise Man’s Fear by Patrick Rothfuss. In the middle of an otherwise unremarkable plot, we found a 35-page interlude...