Visualizing Knowledge 2018 – Connecting People Through A Data-Driven Visual Identity by Aalto University

How can a conference facilitate the development of meaningful connections, both between and among the audience, the speakers, and their topics? Rather than assigning a specific time and place for people to interact, Visualizing Knowledge 2018 devised a system that encouraged connections through the features of the conference’s identity. To achieve that, the conference organizing team developed two visual elements: a data-driven shape that revealed each participant’s interest in core aspects of the information design process based on a spider diagram, and a wordmark that could be extended with the topics addressed at the conference. These elements were used on conference material – from badges to introduction slides – for both the attendees and the speakers. For one, this approach made it possible for attendees to link their interests with the speakers’ profiles and the topic of their talks before and during the conference. For another, these nonintrusive elements allowed for an individual pace to human interactions in a large gathering of people.

  • Credits
    Prof. Rupesh Vyas - Project Lead, Creative Direction; Minna Ainoa - Producer Department of Media; Adina Renner - Team Lead, Art Direction; Lilla Tóth - Art Direction & Production; Alessandra Del Nero - Showcase Curation & Design; Qin Yang - Showcase Curation & Design; Pei-Yu Lin - PR & Communication, Well-Being; Heini Kekki - PR & Communication; Photos Conference - Sebastian Wolf; Photos Identity - Adina Renner; Alessandra del Nero
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