2019 Vote EU by Jan Willem Tulp

2019 vote EU is an online tool that allows you to explore the opinions of over 250 political parties from 28 EU member states on 22 policy statements for the 2019 European Elections.

Many vote matching sites ask you to provide your opinion on a set of policy statements, and after optionally setting weights for the opinions that are most important to you, you get an overview of which party matches best with your opinions. And although this works fine, the approach from 2019 vote EU is different: ultimately, if you vote for a political party, you vote for all of the opinions of that political party. So, it doesn't really matter if your opinion matches 50% or 75%, you vote for the complete package of opinions of that party . This means that it is valuable to get a sense of overview: how does this party differ from the others? Does it have unique positions? If I agree with this position, what do I automatically agree with if I vote for them? etc.
