EGOT, The Most Exclusive Showbiz Club by Tiziana Alocci

What is the EGOT club? Who are the EGOT winners, and, what does EGOT even mean?

EGOT is the acronym for the Emmy, Grammy, Oscar and Tony Awards – which collectively represent the most prestigious professional accolades within American entertainment. Only fifteen people in the world have won all four prizes in their career, and they are known as EGOT winners. Corriere della Sera commissioned me to design a data visualisation for the printed cultural supplement of their newspaper, bringing to light the world’s intimate group of EGOT winners. 

Robert Lopez, John Legend, Rita Moreno, Richard Rodgers, Whoopi Goldberg, Jonathan Tunick, Marvin Hamlisch, Scott Rudin, John Gielgud, Mel Brooks, Andrew Lloyd Webber, Tim Rice, Audrey Hepburn, Mike Nichols, and Helen Hayes were included in the visualisation as the fifteen famous EGOT winners (when published in April 2019).
The visualisation takes the readers on a narrative journey, from the youngest EGOT winner to the first woman to achieve the coveted PEGOT title (EGOT + Pulitzer Prize or Peabody Award). The original version of the visualisation was published in Italian.

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