100 Mujeres Pioneras by Prodigioso Volcán

‘100 mujeres pioneras’ (100 Pioneering Women) is a visual approach to ‘No me cuentes cuentos’ (don't tell me stories) project. A Prodigioso Volcán and Kloshletter agencies initiative to highlight the life and work of Spanish known and unknown women who have made important contributions in one way or another to society. Sometimes they died being unknown or even being rejected for it.

For months, almost 200 writers, journalists and illustrators have voluntarily participated in the writing and illustration of the 100 stories that so far (September / 2019) have been published on the web http://www.nomecuentescuentos.com/

This visualization shows an analysis of data that these 100 stories have given us about the women who star in them. We begin with a (who) circular dendrogram with women categorized according to the field in which they developed their professional career or the milestones through which they went down in history.

We use a color code to identify these categories, code that will be maintained throughout the infographic.

The following graphic (what), breaks down the diagram in each of its ramifications to include a brief category description.

We continue visualizing the data in a timeline (when) of their lives. The illustrations that accompany this timeline represent the women or elements they worked with (a plane honors the first female pilot in Spain, an orangutan to the director from the orangutan center Jane Goodall, etc).

Finally, a locator map (where) helps us identify the place of origin of women, which is useful to know where more female artists, or more scientific or activists, come from within the 100 analyzed.

The extraordinary lives, efforts and achievements of these women can be read at http://www.nomecuentescuentos.com/
