COVID-19 Case Distribution by Sai Ram Ved V

Inspired by the coronavirus infographic datapack published by the team at, this project is a visualization of the COVID-19 cases in India as well as around the world. Having such a representation could be useful to gain quick insights about the situation and reveal relevant patterns.

The design process started with gaining insights into the different types of visualisations available on the internet. Scouring various websites like NYTimes and informationisbeautiful, a conclusion was drawn that minimalist designs that convey information were few and far between. To come up with a new idea of representation, basic infographics had to be consulted, finally settling on a bubble chart. To simplify even further, axes on the bubble chart had been removed and made one-dimensional, i.e, the size of the bubble.

The dataset for the 'India' visualization - sourced from COVID19-India API which is a volunteer-driven, crowd-sourced database for COVID-19 stats & patient tracing in India.
The dataset for the 'Worldwide' visualization - sourced from covid_19_jhu_data_web_scrap_and_cleaning on GitHub. Their data sources include worldometers and Johns Hopkins University. Since the data sources are now deprecated, live data has been replaced with static data of the last instance to preserve the visualization. Relevant links can be found on the website.
