Obstetric Fistula: A Women's Health Crisis by Emma Noyes

"Obstetric Fistula: A Women's Health Crisis" is a data-driven magazine spread detailing what obstetric fistulas are and how they affect women in developing countries. Data for this piece was sourced from Makeover Monday in partnership with Operation Fistula. This was created as independent student work and is not directly associated with Makeover Monday or Operation Fistula.

My goal for this spread was to create an engaging piece that educates the general public about obstetric fistulas, and hopefully spur people to take action in helping women affected by this often-unseen medical issue. After cleaning the original data sets in Google Sheets for use in Tableau, I developed a storyboard to focus in on a specific narrative. Following the completion of an interactive Tableau dashboard, I sketched out the final spread and exported all visualization elements into Adobe Illustrator, where I crafted the finished piece with illustrations and other design elements. Throughout the design process, I researched more about obstetric fistulas and wrote a short piece to ensure the finished spread is truly educational.
