Los castillos de España / The castles of Spain by El Confidencial

In this article, we investigate about the castles that can be found in Spain, from the information collected by the spanish Nonprofit Association "Amigos de los Castillos" (there is no government official source that collect this data). In Spain there are more than 10,000 castles and most of them are abandoned, although they are a historically very important heritage, built largely during the struggles between Christians and Muslims in the medieval and Renaissance times. At least 200 of these fortifications are now about to collapse.
We use infographics and maps to graphically explain what architectures are considered castles, their main parts and their locations. And finally we focus on two castles, one rehabilitated as a museum and another that is abandoned.
For the aesthetics, we have been inspired by old architectural sketches and their colors and textures. And we organize the design of the story page thinking in the usability for the final user adding a quick menu to access to the subcategories, which is present throughout the format. This menu has been designed differently on mobile and PC, thinking about the specific UX for each device.
For the map, we scraped the data from the association's website (https://www.xn--castillosdeespaa-lub.es), and then processed in R to organize by filters of typology and historical time. We use Mapbox to develop it.
The programming of the web has been done with javascript, and its design and programming has been taken into account for mobile and PC, so that it is totally responsive.

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