Woher der Autolärm, von nah oder fern? (The Sound of Cars, From Near or Far?) by Cédric Scherer Data Visualization Design

The choropleth map shows the mean Euclidian distance to roads for each of the 11.224 municipalities of Germany. The darker the color, the larger the average distance.

The visualization makes use of the high-resolution Digital Landscape Model (Basis–DLM) by the Federal Agency for Cartography and Geodesy.
First, the distance to all roads was calculated on a 20 x 20 m grid. Afterwards, the estimated distances per cell were averaged by overlaying a vector file of all 11.224 municipalities of Germany. The average distances per municipality were than aggregated into 1% quartiles to encode it by the fill color.

The map was created as a personal contribution to the #30DayMapChallenge (Topic Choropleth Map) in November 2021. The map was created in R with ggplot2; only the direct annotations were added in Figma.
