Globalance World, a groundbreaking investment platform by CLEVER°FRANKE
The way that people invest money has a big impact on how the world evolves. So far, making a financial profit has been the key incentive for the majority of investors. But with the increasing urgency of global societal and environmental issues, long-term investments require a completely new perspective, one that helps maintain the world through forward-looking investments.
Globalance Bank aims to respond to this need. As a bank, they want to increase transparency in the investment world and help their clients and potential new investors understand the extensive effect of their wealth on the world.
To realize this ambitious goal, we created Globalance World, the first public platform that empowers people to make sustainable investment decisions based on economic, societal and environmental indicators.
By using cutting-edge data visualizations, we ensured that the platform visualizes abstract performance and impact data in a tangible, clear and relatable way.
Globalance World offers a personalized digital world map that allows users to discover the extensive impact and returns of their investments. They can dive in and assess in real-time how sustainable and future-fit certain investments are and compare different portfolios. They can also search among over 6,000 assets and see how they perform in terms of warming potential, footprint, megatrends exposure and financial return. These criteria are measured by Globalance Bank based on different parameters.
We created a data-driven language that is the signature of the platform. Considering how Globalance Bank strives for sustainable investment, we decided to use an organic shape that finds its inspiration in nature. What we named ‘Pebble shape’, introduces a new visual language to communicate portfolios and individual assets with a unique and recognizable look and feel across the platform.
We have introduced the globe as the second signature shape of the platform. It creates a unique and recognisable focal point for the interface. More importantly, representing portfolio data on the globe makes investments palpable and displays impact in a relatable way. It is also the first interface of its kind to combine a 3D interactive globe with 2D elements and a scrollable interface.
From highly complex financial data and metrics to market trends and search functionality, we created a platform that offers the most comprehensive and accessible experience for the investment banking world. The platform makes it possible to transfer complex investment data into a compelling and relatable experience.
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CreditsGert Franke - Creative Director Thomas Clever - Creative Director Wouter van Dijk - UX Director Pietro Lodi - UX Designer, Researcher Roel de Jonge - Visual Designer Joost Mommers - Visual & UX Designer Bas van der Burgh - Visual Designer Amy Goris - UX Designer, Researcher Nick Rutten - Front-end Developer Jan Hoogeven - Front-end Developer Eileen Guo - Front-end Developer Roland Zwaga - Front-end Developer Wilco Tomassen - Application Design & Architecture Tim van den Heuvel - Project Manager Joe Chrisman - UX strategy & design Daan Rongen - Front-end developer
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