Grow or die by Dalk - Data Talk

Indigenous communities are the first victims of the drug trafficking business in Colombia. We set out on a journey among the Nasa people to tell two different stories about the unresolved question of massive coca and marihuana production in the Colombian Andes: the resistance and defeats of the local communities.
In this interactive longform, written by a PHD candidate in Culturas y Literaturas indígenas de América and designed and developed by Dalk, we embark on a travel through the Colombian Andes to investigate the struggle of Colombian indigenous communities in armed conflicts with terrorist and criminal organizations.
Through a mix of photography, graphics, maps, videos and numbers we tell the stories of many people inhabiting the rural area of Toribío, in the foothills of the Cordillera Central of the Colombian Andes, where we can find the constellations, nothing more than illegal, highly productive marijuana plantations, supported by a complex electrical system that is activated every night to accelerate the growth process of the plants, run by FARC dissidents.
Due to its military strategic location, Toribío has been facing invasions by guerrilla groups, the national army and paramilitary organizations for decades. ‘The situation is difficult, because now it's Nasa against Nasa,’ says an elderly Toribío resident with teary eyes. The disharmony caused by drug trafficking to the Nasa's traditional model of society has led local indigenous governors to repeatedly attempt to oppose the presence of illicit crops.
This interactive longform is an ad-hoc solution designed and developed by Dalk, blending photographic content, research on typography, color and web design.The longform has been designed is mobile first by a visual editor, who organized the content and helped the journalist to shape the final product adding visual elements like maps, quotes and graphics. They were then joined in the process by a web developer who curated the development of the longform using modern web technologies.

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