Eurostat Advanced Dashboard by Alex Kolokolov

In this dashboard you can find information about all trading operation between TOP-10 European countries by GDP and answer the questions: who was the trade leader in this period, how this position was changing from year to year, what was the most or the less sellable and buyable cargo category, which transport was used the most for these or those cargo and a lot of others.

Key features above standard Power BI functions:

1. Custom navigation menu. It was made with bookmarks and appears by pressing the sing “menu” on the left upper corner.

2. Value switcher. Visuals on the Summary, Country, and Cargo pages that comparing 2 different values – currency and volume shows USD if you chose Ton K in the main filter on the top.

3. Tooltips. It is shown additional information in the context of the stroke on some visuals.

4. Animated barchart. On the Country page for the countries-partners was used animated bar chart that shows how rating changed year by year. To see that, you need to go through the play button

5. Interactive legend. On the Cargo page, the cost dynamics diagram can show one or several lines together, the color of the button plays the role of legend.

6. Bookmarks with insights. We have made some insights about trade volume in Germany, the main countries-partners, a negative export-import balance in all countries and the most expensive categories in European countries.

Analysts did not believe it was possible to visualize data for all cases, because everything depends on request. Especially in this project, the source was a huge database. We were able to prove that all the necessary analytics could be converted immediately into a semantic block. We had about 60 typical samples, which we converted into 14 visuals. Given our filters they answered all the questions, we were able to design an analytical visual that closed all the questions.
