How Much Does Kid Cudi Hum? by Connor Rothschild

In this visual essay, I go to great lengths to explore the question, "how much does Kid Cudi hum?", at a variety of levels of granularity. First, I look at each of Kid Cudi's albums, then at each of those albums' songs, until I finally look at each individual song and analyze its lyrics.

To measure hums, I used lyrics data from Genius and flagged each hum-like sound from Kid Cudi's discography. I analyzed which songs had the most hums, which songs had the least, and even where in the song hums most frequently occurred.

Technically, a hum is defined as any noise that Kid Cudi makes that is not a 'normal' word. For the purposes of this analysis, that could include noises ranging from 'hmmm' to 'meh' to 'nah.'

Writing this was a great experience in the full process of writing a visual essay. (It was my first experience working on such a project.) I found a question I found genuinely interesting, retrieved novel data to answer it, and presented the answer in a typical "scrollytelling" format.
