Red Riding Hood by Tiffany Ong

This visualisation is based on one of the first shape books ever printed in America, Red Riding Hood, beautifully written and illustrated by Lydia Louisa Anna Very, published in 1863.

The project results from a data visualisation course by Sonja Kuijpers, following assignments and processes she shares in detail about her own ways of working, adding few of my own concepts and methods I have collected over time. The data is manually extracted from the text of the book. Characters and locations that were mentioned in the story were counted and recorded per page, first on paper and later transferred to a digital format to enable a more accurate view using several chart types to see the shape of the data and experiment which worked best. Each data element is given an icon or symbol, using simple geometric shapes or lines with colour, and plotted to create a scene of the story with data.

Additional data was collected and added, like word count, punctuation, and sentiment analysis, as I was curious to see if they revealed insights or had any correlation when graphically visualised in comparison to reading the text of the story. Invaluable feedback from people across various stages of the project helped improve and shape the final piece.
