Londons Low Traffic Neighbourhoods 2020 - 2022 by John Cook

The project comprises a publicly accessible, interactive webmap, aimed to communicate the rise and fall of London’s Low Traffic Neighbourhoods (LTNs) temporally over the course of the 2 year COVID recovery period, and to visualise their distribution alongside selected demographic and environmental variables and influences.

From the scale of Greater London down to individual boroughs and streets, the webmap allows viewers to visually explore the evolution of London's LTNs in relation to a range of grouped and themed datasets - from existing active travel infrastructure, road traffic incidents and air pollution levels, to demographic variables such as car ownership, social deprivation indices and political results.

The webmap aims to illustrate and expose the relationships and bias behind their distribution, where they have been gained, lost or formed contiguous neighbourhoods closed to motor traffic, and ultimately, how they have re-drawn the map of the city.

The webmap was produced to support the work and research of the Active Travel Academy, based at the University of Westminster.

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