World Population Flags by Ansgar Wolsing
This project visualizes global population data through a unique lens: country flags transformed into proportional circles. Each flag is sized according to the population of its country, creating an intuitive representation of relative population sizes. Each circle represents a country, with its size reflecting the relative population of that nation.
The circles are arranged in a Dorling cartogram format, preserving proportionality while mirroring geographic groupings by continent. This arrangement strikes a balance between visual storytelling and geographic orientation.
A Scrollytelling approach guides the viewer through the visualization, offering an exploration of global and regional demographics. The journey unfolds continent by continent, providing insights into population dynamics from 2000 to 2020 based on Worldbank population data. Each section highlights key trends, such as urbanization, migration, and economic factors driving population changes, as well as regional disparities. Future forecasts are also integrated, offering a forward-looking perspective on population growth.
The visualization is scrollable and zoomable for the user to explore the map on their own.
This visualization serves as both an artistic representation and a data-driven narrative, making complex demographic patterns accessible to a broad audience. It invites users to explore the data interactively while fostering a deeper understanding of the factors shaping our world.
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