Tokyo Love Story: Electromagnetic Sounds of Tokyo by Tiziana Alocci

'Tokyo Love Story' explores the hidden electromagnetic pulse of Tokyo's urban landscape. Through a series of audio recordings and data visualisation techniques, this exhibition transforms Tokyo's vibrant sounds into a visual experience.

Considering the sensory experience as a new form for envisioning and understanding how we actually feel a space we quickly realise that what is captured by our eyes is just one of the facets of the prismatic experience that map our perception. Each of the artworks is the result of Tiziana’s visual interpretation of the hidden sound of different light sources that caught her attention while she was walking in Tokyo. The electromagnetic sound of vending machines, store signage, abandoned neon advertising signs, karaoke lights, and hidden frequencies are made visible by Tiziana in an exhibition that offers the viewer a fresh perspective on the complex melody of
signals that orchestrate movement and life in Tokyo's bustling streets.

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