Upward Mobility Data Dashboard by Urban Institute
In October 2024, the Urban Institute launched the Upward Mobility Data Dashboard, a tool for local leaders to explore 24 conditions affecting upward mobility from poverty and racial equity in their communities. Urban designed a flexible, scalable charting system that visualized these metrics for every county and more than 480 cities in the U.S.
The Urban Institute spent more than a year engaged in research, iteration, user testing, selection, and execution phases with partners Greater Good Studio for user-centered design and Graphicacy for web design and development.
As communities across the country strive to help residents exit poverty, achieve economic success, and live in a more equitable society, the importance of local data for creating meaningful and lasting change has never been greater. Harnessing these data is crucial for local leaders, advocates, researchers, and anyone committed to advancing upward mobility and racial equity in their communities.
CreditsResearch and Management: Samantha Fu, Madeline Brown, Tina Chelidze, Lee Evans, Sam Cressman, Jordan Moeny Data Leadership: Claudia D. Solari, Aaron R. Williams, Tina Chelidze, John Walsh, Greg Acs Design and Development: Aleszu Bajak, Mitchell Thorson, Josh Miller, David Connell, Farnoosh Johnson, Christina Baird, Anand Janardhanan Writing and Editing: Rachel Kenney, Sujin Hong, Arezo Azizi Graphicacy Design: Carni Klirs Graphicacy Engineering: Rosa Romera-Gomez, Ryan Shackleton, Chenny Langness, Bill Cushing, Batool Akbar Graphicacy Project Management: Katarina Madrid
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