IMDB Top Movies by Alexander Varlamov

The work "IMDB Top Movies" presents the highest-rated movies from It examines movies with a rating of 7.5 or higher, which received 50,000+ votes. In total, just over 1000 films are represented through several charts, combined into a larger visualization.

Starting from 1920, all movies are represented as bubbles on the central chart, categorized by genre. The area of the bubbles is proportional to the movie's rating. This allows users to easily find the highest-rated movies, the most productive year, and the highest-rated movie in each genre. On the left side of the visualization, the TOP 3 films for each year are shown. The top part features a unit bar chart, where each point represents a movie. Movies can have multiple genres. The dominant genres were selected using an AI algorithm.

The visualization is interactive, allowing filtering by country of origin, rating, number of votes, actors, actresses, and directors.

It can be conveniently used as a recommendation system. Users can filter by favorite actors, actresses, and directors, and then explore their movies. Brief plot descriptions of the films are provided, along with a top 10 list of actors and actresses and their roles in each film.

In addition, the visualization can be considered as data art, which can be printed and hung on the wall.

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