The Tree of Life by AI by Alexander Varlamov

In the visualization "The Tree of Life", the evolution of life on planet Earth is depicted. A distinctive feature of this visualization is that all images of living beings and plants were generated by AI (MidJourney). All descriptions were also created by AI (ChatGPT). This visualization was made as a concept for displaying all species on the planet before AI, using AI.

The visualization has a tree-like structure and shows the intermediate stages of species formation. The tree of species evolution itself is not unique; it is one of its interpretations. For each species, you can explore its entire evolutionary path simply by clicking on the image. For each species, a group of images was created, from which the final image was selected. Eras and their names can be displayed both on a linear scale and a relative scale to better see the intermediate stages.

In the end, the result is a visualization of the evolution of species on a single sheet.

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