Number Crunch 2024 by PEI Group

Number Crunch is a monthly infographic published by Private Equity International. The piece takes two forms: a print version, which is published in every issue of Private Equity International magazine across a two-page spread; and a digital version, which sees the print edition recreated for the web using

Each month, the infographic focuses on a specific topic, sector or region related to the private equity market and examines its past performance, future potential and the surrounding context that is contributing to its activity.

Number Crunch has been extremely well received by Private Equity International’s readership as a visually appealing, easily digestible way of receiving market updates. Private equity is a famously complex area of finance, so finding ways to communicate highly technical data to a wide audience is of paramount importance.

  • Credits
    Credits: Members from different teams contribute to Number Crunch: • Design: Miriam Vysna, Head of Design; Mike Scorer, Art Director and editorial design team • Editorial: Helen de Beer, Editor, Private Equity International and Private Equity International’s editorial team • Data: Domonique Lemonius, Research Manager (and Research and analytics team) • Production: Tim Kimber, Senior Production Editor; Philippa Kent, Digital Production Editor (and Editorial Production team) • Images: Getty Images
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