European Climate Index - Data Station by Cinzia Bongino

In recent years, the definition of Extreme Weather Events has become a recurring theme in our daily news. Severe phenomena such as tornadoes, floods, droughts, heatwaves, and wildfires are becoming more frequent and intense, illustrating how the notion of 'extreme' is rapidly evolving into the 'new normal', marking the profound impact of climate change during the early 21st century.

The European Climate Index provides valuable insights into extreme weather events experienced across European countries. The platform presents up-to-date weather information through seven key components: Max and Min Temperature, Drought, Precipitation, Hail, Fire, and Wind. The data are organised into three administrative units: country, region, and province. The reference value is computed on 1981-2010 time span while, on a monthly basis, the climate index shows a standardised anomaly with respect to the reference values. For each administrative unit, an interactive dashboard visualizes the latest data through different visual models: a map, a plot chart, a table, and a bar chart. The use of color and the size/position of data points effectively communicate the intensity of weather events, providing a comprehensive and engaging overview for expert users and beginners.
