Re-design of the annual pension funds' report in Macedonia by Biljana Jovanoska
You don't care about your health until you get sick. You don't care about your pension funds until you retire.
That's wrong on so many levels! So, let's change it!
The financial education in Macedonia is practically non- existent and authorities involved in the pension system haven't lift a finger in 19 years to explain and educate the general public about their pension savings.
The following document is a Re-design of the Annual Report on the pension companies and pension funds in Macedonia for 2023 taking into consideration the very low level of financial education.
So, I used food, I used comics, I used every-day language to explain the main characteristics of the pension system, its key players, the profit/loss they make from investing your money, how to read your individual account and a step-by-step guide of what to do if you are completely ignorant on the subject.
I made it fun so that it keeps your attention because there is a lot ground to cover.
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