The Green Ring of Moscow by Ksenia Ageeva
This project is about a unique green path in the metropolis -the Green Ring of Moscow was born on May 1, 2017.
On this day, a group of enthusiasts walked for the first time along the route developed by Alexander Sovetov. His initial idea was to make a 100 kilometre track via Moscow parks, public gardens and other green areas passable in 24 hours.
The original route was 120 kilometres long, later it was supplemented with even more picturesque sections, so the Ring increased to 150 km. The Ring attracted the interest of ultramarathon runners, and at their request, the Ring was increased one more time to 100 miles (160 km). During the year, the route served to create groups in social networks, which quickly began to fill up with lovers of nature, walking, running. Based on the results of 2017, the Green Ring of Moscow was recognized as the best city route by the RuTrail Project.
For sure, cyclists did not stand aside, and created their own version of the route. In this project, you can see the comparison of the Ring's official track with the real track rode by bike lovers in Jul-Oct 2024. It took 8 tracks to close the ring, and you can explore statistics (distance, speed, time) for each of them. As big cities change every day, sometimes it was not possible to follow the original route, so you can see the real track deviation on the map.
Such routes bring people together, inspire them with sports and introduce them to lovely places in the city. This is my sincere dedication to the piece of true magic inspired by an offbeat cycling route this summer, and my declaration of love to the city that chose me several years ago
CreditsProject mastermind: Alexey Izotov
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