The Brazil that invests by Datadot Estudio
In 2024, we were invited by B3, the Brazilian stock exchange, to collaborate on designing a publication that presents the main findings of a demographic study conducted to understand who invests in Brazil. Working closely with B3’s marketing and research teams, we explored solutions to develop a narrative throughout the 72-page publication, showcasing various types of information about the investor profiles identified in the study.
Our approach combined qualitative and quantitative data to provide context for the findings. To enrich the visual experience, we designed a range of data visualizations, as well as illustrations and icons, offering readers multiple ways to engage with the information.
Since all identified profiles answered the same survey questions, we established a consistent visualization system, using the same type of graphic representation whenever the same question appeared. By doing so, the visual design helped readers understand different pieces of information throughout the sections. Acknowledging that some readers might need extra guidance, we also included brief explanatory text blocks to help them interpret the visualizations and gain initial insights.
CreditsFlávia Marinho (creative direction and lead design) Otávio Burin (creative direction and lead design) Quintino Andrade (art director and design) Lola Nanquim (illustrations)
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