Remastering architecture by University of Paris 1 Pantheon-Sorbonne

"Remastering architecture" is an adaptation of the data art piece Multiple V(x) (2022). Displayed on a single HD Full screen (in portrait mode), this new piece uses images from all unsplash collections ( labeled "architecture" or "archi" in order to generate an interrupted series of 3D matrix extrusions (3D data shapes). As was the case for Multiple V(x), each deformation (or distorsion of the primary spherical shape ) is varying according to related data of each source image, such as the number of views as well as the publication date (time difference between the publication date of the photo and the current date). Alternating buildings overviews and details (of all styles and epochs), the “resource” images (often unidentified, unreferenced) taken step by step (via an automatic clustering selection proposed by the platform named “associated photos”) then composes a sort of raw materials- textures library from which other forms (possible or not) of architecture are randomly (re)invented.

link to the project Multiple V(x) (2022):
