A Glimpse into the DeFi Ecosystem by Liuhuaying Yang
This visualization offers a glimpse into the growing intricacy and interconnectivity of the Decentralized Finance (DeFi) ecosystem. The complex and ever-expanding network of accounts deployed on decentralized blockchains is hard to grasp, and it is increasingly difficult to assess the risks and potentials of decentralized finance products.
This graph visualization shows parts of this ecosystem. Each node in the graph represents an Ethereum-based smart contract - a decentralized application. These accounts continuously invoke other contracts, forming the DeFi’s global transaction network.
CreditsTobias Batik: Visualization and web development; Stefan Kitzler, Friedhelm Victor, Pietro Saggese: Data and research; Svetlana Abramova, Bernhard Haslhofer: Data, research, and website content
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