Try Not To Gag: The Truth About Nathan's Hot Dog Contest by University of Washington

"Try Not to Gag" is a broadsheet about Nathan’s Hot Dog eating contest, held annually on the Fourth of July in Coney Island, NY. The project highlights the trends, strategies and controversies of the contest. The first spread introduces the contest, showcasing the trends over the years, including the increase in hot dog consumption, controversies, and the key competitors that have transformed the contest. The center spread uses illustration to explore everything a competitor would need to know during the 10 minute contest. This includes the strategies used by the competitors, rules, and the physiological aspects it takes to succeed. The final spread examines the life of a competitive eater, from prize earnings and income to retirement age and health implications.

"Try Not to Gag" is both intriguing and informative, uncovering controversies and fun facts while offering unbiased information that allows the readers to form their own opinion. It provides an in-depth look at the lesser-known side of the contest, shedding light on secret strategies, peculiar rules, and how some competitors possess an innate advantage simply due to their body type. This eight-week project involved data scraping, visualization, illustration, and numerous iterations. The four spreads were finalized and printed overseas, bringing together research, design, and storytelling to deliver an immersive, data-rich experience.
