Monorriel de Santiago: planifica tu ruta en 5, 10, 15 y 20 minutos by Francina Cabrera Fermin
Santiago, Dominican Republic, is developing a 12.8 km monorail to improve its public transportation network. This system will connect 14 stations along a northwest-to-south route, with the capacity to transport up to 20,000 passengers per hour in each direction. The estimated travel time is 30-35 minutes.
To evaluate accessibility, walking time isochrones were created for 5, 10, 15, and 20-minute intervals. These isochrones were analyzed and mapped using a combination of Python libraries (Osmnx, Networkx, Geopandas) and visualized and refined in QGIS and Adobe Illustrator.
This project aims to reduce traffic congestion, improve urban mobility, and enhance the accessibility and efficiency of Santiago's public transportation system for all residents.
CreditsFrancina Cabrera Fermin
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