Women in politics – extended by Hahn+Zimmermann

How strongly are women represented in parliaments around the world? The cross-media campaign ‘Women in Politics’ uses data visualisation to show how the proportion of women in parliaments in 193 countries has developed since 1950 and consists of 8 parts. The centrepiece is an explorative scrollytelling website (1), which enables an interactive exploration of the complex data set. The development of the proportion of women can be tracked over time, continents compared and individual countries contrasted. A teaser animation (2) draws attention to the website on social media. A leporello (3) and a poster (4) show the data in static form. A T-shirt (5) transports the visualisation into the real world - via the person wearing it. Two short social media clips (6+7) tell two complementary visualisation-based stories. The aim of the project is to encourage reflection and call to action. A Washitape (8) was spread widely as a symbol to «stick together» and to further promote the project.
