The Color of Sleep by Emirates NBD

The Color of Sleep visualization studies the sleep fulfillment rate for students from Kindergarten to Grade 12, calculated as the ratio of average sleep hours recorded to the recommended hours. Using a leaf structure formed by quadratic Bézier curves, the green leaf node represents recommended sleep hours, while the blue node signifies recorded hours. The gap between these nodes highlights the sleep deficit, with a circular "flower" at the base symbolizing sleep fulfillment.

The fulfillment rate is categorized into four buckets: Poor Sleep (<85), Moderate Sleep (85–87), Better Sleep (87–90), and Optimum Sleep (>90), with colors indicating sleep quality. The legend explains the mathematical and visual logic behind the design, helping users understand the narrative.

The ideation was inspired by the phrase, "The more the sleep, the more the child blooms," with the leaf metaphor emphasizing the critical connection between adequate sleep and growth. This data-driven art merges aesthetics and insight, shedding light on the declining sleep fulfillment rates across grades.
