Climate Pulse by Copernicus - ECMWF
Climate Pulse is an interactive user-friendly application conceived and designed by the Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S) at the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) to track key global climate variables and make climate data exploration accessible to all.
It displays global surface air temperature and sea surface temperature data updated in near-real time, enabling users to better understand how our climate is changing.
The tool is based on the same data that C3S uses for its climate monitoring activities: the reanalysis dataset ERA5, which is produced by combining the output from a numerical weather prediction model with observations of the Earth system from across the world (including those coming from satellites, weather stations, and other instruments). The result is a globally complete and temporally consistent dataset with a horizontal resolution of 31 km and spanning more than 80 years, enabling us to assess long-term changes in Earth’s climate. The data are processed and offered only two days behind real time, ready to explore and download.
Users can explore the data through interactive charts and maps and compare different years and different regions, to get a better understanding of climate evolution on a daily, monthly and annual scale.
The application has been designed to be fully responsive and mobile-friendly. To improve accessibility and transparency, download and share options for both data and graphics are available. The help buttons provide guidance and additional information about the charts, maps and datasets.
The layout of the page was initially designed in Illustrator and then developed using Python and the ReactJS web framework. The interactive time series are produced using Plotly while the maps are produced in PNG format using the matplotlib and cartopy Python packages and wrapped around an interactive globe using
With this effort, which removes some hurdles in climate data handling and processing, C3S wanted to reaffirm its commitment to make quality climate data accessible to all.
The Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S), implemented by the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) on behalf of the European Commission is part of the European Union's space programme.
CreditsAnna Lombardi (climate data visualiser) - information design and UX design James Varndell (software developer) - app development Julien Nicolas (senior climate scientist) - data preparation and analysis Eva Remete (web and content manager) - site optimisation and analytics Samantha Burgess (strategic lead for climate) - project coordinator
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