20 Years of Rankings Reveal Trends in Mandarin Pop Music by READr

We analyzed daily top 50 Mandarin music charts from Taiwan’s largest streaming platform, KKBOX, spanning from 2005 to the present, to showcase two decades of shifts in Taiwanese pop music. From the challenges of piracy and streaming to the rise of K-pop, how have Taiwanese music preferences evolved? Our data reveals three distinct eras, presented through interactive visualizations that let readers listen to music while exploring the dramatic changes in Taiwan’s music industry.

This report is a rare example of data-driven cultural industry journalism in Taiwan. It not only provides solid evidence to validate perceived trends but also uncovers previously unnoticed changes, enriched by expert interviews. The result is a comprehensive piece combining quantitative and qualitative insights with depth and breadth.

Designed for an intuitive reading experience, readers can scroll to uncover key insights from the past 20 years. Interactive elements include chart data transformed into three eras, visuals featuring album covers to highlight changes, and a play button for music snippets. This multimedia format, blending visual and auditory elements, offers an immersive approach perfectly suited for music journalism.
