Glassdoor Data Analyst Jobs by Alexander Varlamov
Glassdoor is probably the most well-known resource for job search, company reviews, and salary monitoring. I collected data through scraping and parsing job listings for 'Data Analyst' positions in the USA. All the vacancies are categorized by state and include various breakdowns available in Glassdoor data.
The dashboard allows for data analysis across different segments: company size, sector, location, etc. It is interactive, with numerous filters and parameters, enabling users to find the right job listings, compare them, view salary distributions, and much more. All salaries can be calculated hourly, monthly, or annually, allowing for easy comparison of salaries with different salary period specifications.
Additionally, the dashboard calculates company ratings and various working conditions in companies, which Glassdoor generates based on user reviews. Job listings can also be displayed in a table format, allowing comparisons of working conditions and direct navigation to the job posting pages.
Furthermore, the design of the dashboard can be switched, changing the background and layout.
As a result, the tool provides an analysis of salary ranges for data analysts, comparisons of companies, and salary breakdowns across different segments. It helps users find exactly the job listings they need, without having to search manually on the website.
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