The Office: A Tale of Two Eras by Vidhi Shah from NMIMS School of Design

The data is presented in a way where each episode is represented by a circle. The size of the circle indicates the viewership for that particular episode, with larger circles representing more viewers. Additionally, the color of each circle corresponds to the character who played the most prominent role in that episode.
In Dunder Mifflin's world, Scranton felt different without their quirky and self-proclaimed "World's Best Boss," Michael Scott. His unique style made "The Office" special, but when he left, things changed. Viewership and ratings shifted.

This graph story takes you through "The Office" across nine seasons, showing how the number of viewers and ratings changed, especially after Michael's departure. From the first episode to the series finale, you'll see Michael's impact on the show's success. It's clear that viewership and ratings were closely tied to the "World's Best Boss," making you appreciate his role even more.
