Bring Them Home by Nir Smilga

The Hostages: A Visual Representation of Time, Status, and Connections.

This interactive visualization presents the hostages through silhouettes that reflect their gender and age. The background color of each silhouette represents their current status—whether they are alive, deceased, or released/rescued.

- Civilian & Military Distinction: While the majority are civilians, the visualization also indicates cases involving military personnel.

- Interactive Timeline: Follow the changes in hostage status over time, highlighting the prolonged duration since their capture.

- Family Connections: View relationships between hostages to illustrate the impact on entire families.

- Community Perspective: Explore the affected towns and communities, seeing how this event has shaped entire regions.

- The Remaining Hostages: A dedicated view displays those still in captivity—a powerful reminder of the ongoing situation and hope for their safe return.
