On Spotlight: The Troublemaker Trawler by National Institute of Design (NID)
An interactive data narrative spotlighting on the the devastating effect of Bottom-Trawlers, resulting in overfishing and loss in the marine ecosystem in India.
Bottom trawling gear method is one of the major causes of overfishing in the world. The amount of fish catch is very high. Oversfishing is leading to decrease in the fish population and species, hence also threatening their existence. This catch also includes huge numbers of bycatches (fish not intended to be caught), juvenile fish and those ready to spawn. These are discarded as they are not required. It adversely affects the environment at large especially the sea bed and corals. The marine ecosystem takes years to recover from this loss.
India is one of the top 10 fish food producers worldwide and number of fish catches is very high. Bottom trawling is one of the main methods used largely here even after other nations imposing a ban of usage beyond a certain depth in the water as well as in Marine Protected Areas (MPAs). This visualization highlights how the fish catch and discard in India has dramatically increased over the years, while it is decreasing for the other nations as they are resorting to more sustainable fishing methods and regulation of the fishing industry to conserve the marine ecosystem.
CreditsMegha Uthaya Kumar
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