Which species are out of the spotlight? by University of the Arts London

The project aims to actively respond to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) @sdgaction’s call for urgent and necessary measures to protect endangered animals. Recognizing the growing need for conservation efforts, the project focuses on raising awareness through data-driven insights. The primary data and research findings were derived from IUCN Red List (iucnredlist.org), a widely recognized database of threatened species. The key outputs of the project were presented in the form of concise, accessible posts designed to engage a broad audience.

By combining information from the EDGE of Existence programme @zsledgeofexistence and analyzing the number of Instagram image tags, the research identified a significant disparity in public attention. Certain "star animals," such as pandas and tigers, receive widespread media coverage and online engagement, while other species, despite being more critically endangered, remain virtually unnoticed.

To address this imbalance, the project strategically selected representative animals from diverse species, including humpback whales, olm, and Mary River turtles, as initial case studies. The approach then expanded to draw comparisons between different species’ visibility. This cascading logic aims to shift public focus toward lesser-known endangered animals that deserve recognition and protection beyond the usual “spotlight” species. Through this, the project encourages more inclusive conservation efforts.
