FIFA Worldcup Chronicles by Yves Krähenbühl
There are for sure some bucket list items to design, one of mine is covered within the project: a classical Swiss «Bundesordner».
Filled with a publication about the FIFA World Cup history, from its first appearance 1930 in Uruguay to the recent and upcoming ones.
Inspired by my fathers very own collection about the world cup history - of course in a Bundesordner, the project was born. Born to inform and enjoy. In a result which is chronologically rigid and consistent but still easily comparable. Dense in data, informative but still accessible. And of course, easily and cheaply expandable. This in contrast to existing official publications, it focuses on modularity and data as the main driver, not on specific stories or individual happenings.
270 pages, more than 100 unique data points per tournament
and well over 2000 comparable objects overall.
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