Padma Awards, which were instituted in the year 1954, are announced every year by the Government of India on the occasion of Indian Republic Day. The award is given in three categories, namely,...
This infographic is a static A3 poster which highlights the startups that emerged in India from January 2015 to August 2016. It communicates the popular industry verticals amongst Indian startups,...
This latest visualization has its genesis in this reddit thread. I wanted to represent the data therein in a way that would be easier to compare than a print-screen of an Excel table. As time went...
The use of chemical weapons is banned under international law and could constitute a war crime. International investigators have concluded that sarin, chlorine and sulphur mustard gas have been...
My Life Through Data is a physical interactive workbook of activities for people to track their daily habits, visualize them in a beautiful and unique way, then compare their lives to the American...
The 'interactive Elvis Presley Jukebox' is a visual analysis of the tempo of close to 400 Elvis Presley songs. Each facial grid is a song. A brighter blue indicates a faster tempo & a lighter...
Visualization of 1.500 individuals and organizations connected directly and indirectly to Donald Trump.
The data comes from an investigation by Buzzfeed.
Multiple time lines represent a layering of forces, actions and reactions that shape the identity and character of a place both physically and experientially. In order to successfully plan for the...
The goal of this project is to use data to allow people to explore an average financial situation under a variety of constraints. We often hear comments by politicians or opinion writers that if...
The 'Map of Every City' is a study of history, the urban fabric, personal experience and gentrification applied to the medium of a traditional city street map. Through its universality, it...
Interactive Data Visualization exploring every recorded game in FBS history (relative to teams still in the FBS). Users can see patterns in various teams, and explore the the games in the great...
Folklore and fairytales such as Jack The Giant Killer, Robin Hood and the Loch Ness monster are in danger of dying out – because parents aren’t passing them on to their kids.
Researchers who...
As a geography student I love making maps, and after Obama's last state of the union address I became interested in gerrymandering. So of course I made maps! I hope they can help others become...
No sitting American president traveled outside the country before Theodore Roosevelt traveled to Panama in 1906 to see the construction of the Panama Canal. A century later Air Force One regularly...
The visualization shows the winners’ performances in the “Giro d’Italia” (Tour of Italy) from 1909 ti 2016. Year by year, are enlighted the stages won and first places in the general rank (pink...
Over one year in Boston, 1,064,053 people cycled 16,548,483 mins in total. They burned 56,264,845 calories and saved 1,581,331,745 g CO2 emissions compared to if their journeys were by car. This...
One of the things that make Berghain amazing is the great artists curation. I find myself going to Berghain's website and looking at the listings just to discover great techno and house music...
Our election forecast used interactive charts and maps to show the constantly changing state of the 2016 presidential race. We used multiple forms -- including several types of charts and maps --...
Flourish is a next-generation platform for data visualisation and storytelling. It allows anyone to quickly produce world-class interactive graphics and stories from their data using an...
Paintings and other images become a '3D movable object' with more depth, detail and structure in 'True Colour 3D'.
User controls can vary lighting and other effects of appearance.
Images were...
Collection of every job that was performed on the USS Enterprise in The Original Series listed by individual episodes. Main characters and the regular extra are shown with unique icons. All others...
How did Steph go from being a one-man revolution and the first unanimous MVP to being almost an afterthought in the race? Well, two things:
The already-great Golden State Warriors signed one...
This image represents all possible return curves from index funds 1870 to 2016, using a buy-and-hold strategy. All values are "real" returns, meaning that dividends and inflation have already been...
Reading a “Choose Your Own Adventure” book can feel like being lost in a maze and running through twists and turns only to find dead ends, switchbacks, and disappointment. In the books—for those...
When Donald Trump took office on January 20th, 2017, he was already known for his tweeting — Slate even called him the best. Known for his strong interjections and his 140-character feuds with...
The ENTITY MAPPER is an open source web application for visualizing qualitative data as an interactive node-link diagram. By abstracting away the time-consuming process of constructing a...