Are all selfies taken by young people? Do men take many selfies? Are we all trying to copy celebrities in choosing how we represent ourselves? Are there any significant differences between selfies...
We followed the efforts of volunteers and human rights workers to document the destruction of treasured Ukrainian buildings.
We took point cloud data (gigabytes worth of material and billions of...
With "Made To Measure”, the filmmaker group Laokoon illustrates how online companies, advertisers, and other data traders use the information they collect – by telling an interactive story based on...
In the context of understanding the complex phenomenon of violent religious radicalization, this map details the journey of ISIS’ foreign fighters to the territories of the Caliphate, as well as of...
To celebrate Starbucks’ first ever store in Italy, the Starbucks Reserve Roastery Milan in Piazza Cordusio, Accurat designed a massive floor-to-ceiling, wall-to-wall visual representation of...
2021 was the year when we created our first ever greeting card, taking the form of a retrospective of our work. This project was made possible by one of the most visible aspects of the company's...
Plastic waste, mostly from rivers or careless dumping on land, washes into the oceans at an average rate of about nine million tons a year. The visible trash, along with heartbreaking images of its...
By creating and sending the data visualisations using analogue instead of digital means, dear-data is what artists have done for ages, which is sketch and try to capture the essence of the life...
Hundreds of thousands of people around the world have played Google’s game Quick, Draw! prompting us to ask what takeaways it might have for global culture, like whether your location and language...
The most diverse group of organisms on the planet are in trouble, with recent research suggesting insect populations are declining at an unprecedented rate.
Amid deforestation, pesticide use,...
More than 5 million people in Kerala were affected and over 200 were killed amid torrential rain and floods in August 2018. The flooding, dubbed the worst to hit the southern state in nearly a...
Volunteered Geographic Information (VGI) has made possible the expansion the mapping to previously unmapped areas, thanks to technological advancements such as Web 2.0 and satellite imagery....
The Bloomberg Billionaires Index visualizes a daily ranking of the world's richest people. The index is a dynamic measure of the top 100 billionaires based on changes in markets, the economy and...
The number of infected people, measured over 70-some years and across all 50 states and the District of Columbia, generally declined after vaccines were introduced. The heat maps below show number...
In partnership with Future Cities Catapult, After the Flood turned London's boroughs into a choropleth - or series of shaded cells - that can contain numerous types of data more effectively than a...
Persistent deterioration of land, air, and water are largely invisible to the eye and camera lens. What if water could visualize its quality and perform the level of contamination? Ripple Effect is...
A series of visualizations on the history of the D.C. punk band Fugazi, produced first as a newsprint fanzine, and then as large format prints for an exhibition. Using data the band themselves...
Three days before the biggest flood in modern Australian history inundated the Northern Rivers, Lismore City Council was told by the NSW government that its concerns were “premature”. It was the...
How do creatives – composers, painters, writers, scientists, philosophers – find the time to produce their opus? Mason Currey investigated the rigid Daily Rituals that hundreds of creatives...
The election forecast is FiveThirtyEight's signature interactive project. The state of the 2016 general election, both nationally and in ever state, is captured in an extensive series of...
This interactive dashboard encourages users to focus on one area – a country, region, or income level – and see how it compares to its counterparts across a wide range of metrics. It provides...
Working with technologist Ekene Ijeoma, we created an interactive experience that illuminates where and when refugees emigrate, as well as the complex stories of political, social and economic...
With the collapse of investment bank, Lehman Brothers, the 2008 Financial Crisis became full blown economic downturn which eventually led to the worst financial crisis since The Great Depression of...
A special historical project by Russian news agency TASS dedicated to one of the most dramatic pages in Russia’s past – the Patriotic War of 1812. This program is based on a map outlined by French...
Accurat helps global leaders identify core challenges and develops custom data-driven solutions that seamlessly integrate into internal workflows.
As a geography student I love making maps, and after Obama's last state of the union address I became interested in gerrymandering. So of course I made maps! I hope they can help others become...